When last did you prioritise play?

If you are like many adults, play may be something you rarely prioritise, and perhaps consider as an activity for children. It is important to remember that adopting a playful mindset can benefit us at any age!  

Play helps us form new skills, develop competence, practice and integrate learning. Connecting to our capacity to play through the experience of aerial hammock exercise can strengthen our ability to be spontaneous, present, creativity, excited and joyous! 

The act of playing in and of itself is often therapeutic. However, play involving the aerial hammock offers unique benefits of 

Aerial Hammock Play can be applied with purpose. In a therapeutic setting, it can assist improvment in self-regulation, sensory information processing, attentional capacity, problem solving and learning. It also can help develop social and communication skills. 

In a modern world that has become increasingly risk-adverse, the therapeutic aerial environment offers a valuable opportunity for children and adults alike to take calulated risks, develop resilience and courage. Escape from the mundane into the world of Aerial Hammock Play today and discover an avenue for self-realization! 

Let me know how you think more play may help improve your life? Please leave us a comment below!